Important safety precautions, Decisions you must make – Top Flite TOPA0706 User Manual
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Though the Top Flite Giant Fw 190A-3 is an ARF and may
not have the same level of detail as an “all-out” scratch-
built competition model, it is a scale model nonetheless
and is therefore eligible to compete in the Fun Scale
class in AMA competition (we receive many favorable
reports of Top Flite ARFs in scale competition!). In Fun
Scale, the “builder of the model” rule does not apply. To
receive the fi ve points for scale documentation, the only
proof required that a full size aircraft of this type in this
paint/markings scheme did exist is a single sheet such
as a kit box cover from a plastic model, a photo, or a
profi le painting, etc. If the photo is in black and white,
other written documentation of color must be provided.
Contact the AMA for a rule book with full details.
For more information and scale details of the full-size
Fw 190A-3, photo packs are available from:
Bob’s Aircraft Documentation
3114 Yukon Ave
Ph: (714) 979-8058
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Fax: (714) 979-7279
1. Your Giant Fw 190A-3 ARF should not be considered
a toy, but rather a sophisticated, working model that
functions very much like a full-size airplane. Because
of its performance capabilities, the Giant Fw 190A-3
ARF, if not assembled and operated correctly, could
possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators and
damage to property.
2. You must assemble the model according to the
instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as
doing so may result in an unsafe or unfl yable model.
In a few cases the instructions may differ slightly from
the photos. In those instances the written instructions
should be considered as correct.
3. You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in good
condition, a correctly sized engine, and other components
as specifi ed in this instruction manual. All components
must be correctly installed so that the model operates
correctly on the ground and in the air. You must check
the operation of the model and all components before
every fl ight.
5. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not fl own
this type of model before, we recommend that you get
the assistance of an experienced pilot in your R/C club
for your fi rst fl ights. If you’re not a member of a club, your
local hobby shop has information about clubs in your
area whose membership includes experienced pilots.
6. While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal
use, if the plane will be used for extremely high stress
fl ying, such as racing, or if an engine larger than one
in the recommended range is used, the modeler is
responsible for taking steps to reinforce the high stress
points and/or substituting hardware more suitable for
the increased stress.
7. WARNING: The cowl and landing gear covers included
in this kit are made of fi berglass, the fi bers of which may
cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow
into a part to remove fi berglass dust, as the dust will
blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a
particle mask and rubber gloves when grinding, drilling
and sanding fi berglass parts. Vacuum the parts and the
work area thoroughly after working with fi berglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top
quality, thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but
ultimately the quality and fl yability of your fi nished
model depends on how you build it; therefore, we
cannot in any way guarantee the performance of
your completed model, and no representations are
expressed or implied as to the performance or safety
of your completed model.
REMEMBER: Take your time and follow the
instructions to end up with a well-built model that
is straight and true.
This is a partial list of items required to fi nish the Giant
Fw 190A-3 ARF that may require planning or decision
making before starting to build. Order numbers are
provided in parentheses.
When considering engines for this model, refer to the
engine size recommendations on the cover of the
manual. Spark-ignition “gas” engines are most popular
with large-scale warbirds such as this. One advantage of
a gas engine is economy – gas engines tend to consume
less fuel than a glow engine as well. Additionally, gas
engines deposit little exhaust residue on the model.
Among other engines, this model was test fl own with a
DLE-55 engine. The DLE-55 and the O.S.
GT55 both
provide more than adequate power and fl y the Giant
Fw 190A-3 ARF in a scale-like manner.
Note: Instructions for mounting every possible engine
cannot be incorporated into this manual. Modelers using
another engine may refer to the instructions as a guide
for mounting their engine in a similar way. If using the
DLE-55 engine, the stock muffl er will work well and is
Hardware required (not included) to mount the
DLE-55 engine.
❍ (4) 10-32 x 1-1/2" Socket head cap screws
❍ (4) #10 Lock washers
❍ (4) #10 Fender washers
Per the IMAA Safety Code, magneto spark-ignition
engines must have a coil-grounding switch on the aircraft
to stop the engine and prevent accidental starting, The
switch must be operated manually (without the use of
the transmitter) and accessible by the pilot and assistant.
The radio equipment and number of channels required
to fl y the Top Flite Giant Fw 190A-3 ARF depend on
the capabilities of your transmitter and how the servos
will be connected.