Fieldpilot, Adjusting the prrv valve, Install steering disengage sensor – TeeJet FieldPilot Install John Deere 4x40, 4X50 & 4X55 User Manual

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12. adJUstiNg the PrrV ValVe

A hex wrench is used to adjust the PRRV valve and the Matrix console’s “Valve Test” is used to activate

the FieldPilot valve. Refer to the Matrix manual for instructions regarding the “Valve Test” and other valve

settings. Adjust the PRRV valve to obtain a 4 second lock-to-lock time. Turning the adjustment screw in

will decrease (make faster) the lock-to-lock time. Be sure the oil is warm and the vehicle is moving forward

slowly when setting the lock-to-lock time. Tighten the lock on the PRRV once the proper lock-to-lock is

Figure 1-12: Adjusting the PRRV Valve

13. iNstall steeriNg diseNgage seNsor

The steering disengage kit


is used to automatically disengage FieldPilot when the steering wheel is

turned. The magnets mount on the steering shaft or other rotating part of the steering wheel and the sensor

mounts so that there is a 1/8” clearance between the sensor and magnet.
Figure 1-13: Steering Disengage Sensor