TC-Helicon VoiceSupport Manual User Manual

Page 25

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Getting Around


© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies

Preset Name: Click in this area to change the name of the preset. Once you have changed the name,
you must apply changes before the changes are saved to your device.
Preset Steps: Preset steps can be moved around and copied from other presets. Shown above the
second step has been copied from Preset 12: Power Chords 2 (step 1.) Once you have applied the
changes to the device, the second step will loose its reference name and be called Step Number 2.

If a preset has steps, the order can be changed by dragging and dropping in a new order. In addition,
steps can be deleted using the DELETE key. Steps can also be dragged and dropped from the Details
window to the Working Data and Archives.