TC-Helicon VoiceTone Synth Manual Addendum User Manual
Voicetone synth manual addendum 2, Overview, Important: before installing the update

This document discusses the new features in Version 1.1
of VoiceTone Synth which include:
o Chromatic scale added to HardTune
o Natural pitch correction style added to HardTune
o Dry lead voice latency significantly reduced
o Transducer sonic improvements
o MIDI patch change over USB
o Style selection process modified
More detail on these features follows the installation and
preset backup procedure below.
Important: Before Installing the Update
If you have edited user presets and you want to keep
them, you must back them up using the VoiceSupport
application before installing the update. If you do not
backup your presets they will be lost.This holds true for
your Setup menu settings as well. Both of these data
types can be easily backed up and restored using
VoiceSupport and this procedure is detailed following.
Backing Up User Presets and Setup
You will need the VoiceSupport application that came
on the CD with your Synth. If you need to install without
the CD, VoiceSupport is available on the TC-Helicon
website on the Products page.
1. Connect the USB cable from your computer to
4. Run VoiceSupport.The blue icon at top right of the
application should light and the text should read
VoiceTone Synth. If not, power cycle Synth and
rerun the application.
5. Click the
tab. In the upper portion of this
tab, Backup | Presets and Data you can pick the
location folder and the type of backup you would
6. Press the Backup button to send your presets
and/or setup data to your computer.These will be
VoiceTone Synth Manual Addendum 2