TC-Helicon VoiceSupport Manual User Manual

Page 21

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Getting Around


© 2011 TC-Helicon Vocal Technologies

Apply Changes: Sends all modified presets from the working data to your connected product.

Send Setup: Sends the setup data stored with the Working Data or Archive view to the device. Setup
Data is automatically received from your device when you click Get Data.

Undo: Undoes the last operation.

Undo All: Undoes all changes to both the Working Data and Archives.

Archive: Stores the Working Data view to an archive. This a great way of making sets or having a pool
of presets to choose from.

Delete Presets: Deletes the currently selected presets. Note: You can also use the DELETE key.

Delete Archive: Deletes the currently selected Archive.

Export: Allows preset and setup data to be exported to MIDI Sysex format. This allows sharing with
other users, or integrating of preset and setup management in a DAW.