Maxim Integrated 73M1966B User Manual
Page 17

73M1866B/73M1966B GUI User Guide
Rev. 1.1
This is a listing of the “ring-rev-set-up.tsf” file:
' Script - ring-rev-set-up (ON hook)
' This script is used to enable the ring/line reversal
' detection or to go ON hook, no CID
' The time slot is not affected and will remain as
' previously programmed
' Script Format (All Values in Hex)
' Write Register: W,Mode,BRCT,CID,Address,Data
' Write: W, Read: R
' Mode: 0=8-Bit, 1=16-Bit
' BRCT: Broadcast only used in Write
' Chip ID, Address, Data: Hex Value
Enable detectors, polling ID bits
Set ring signal threshold to 15V
Enable barrier interface
Enable line side device analog ckts
All off hook functions disabled
All off hook functions disabled
Note that the time slot is not being programmed in this case. This still would need to be done at some
point, but it is not necessary to have a time slot selected if the PCM data is not being sent and received.
There may also be cases where a specific time slot is being used other than time slot 0, so it would not be
desirable to change to time slot zero every time the 73M1966B has a software reset.
In the following program example Caller ID can be received so the PCM receive channel must be
configured. If the time slot is not programmed it will not be possible to receive the PCM data when the
Caller ID signal is sent. It is not, however, necessary to program the PCMEN bit in register 23h since that
is only required to send PCM. The receive analog channel must be turned on for the Caller ID path to be
available, so the RXEN bit in register 16h must also be turned on. It was not really necessary to program
the transmit channel time slot at this time, but it was done anyway so it won’t need to be done separately
' Script - ring-rev-CID-set-up (ON hook)
' This script is used to enable the ring/line reversal
' detection and Caller ID reception
' Script Format (All Values in Hex)
' Write Register: W,Mode,BRCT,CID,Address,Data
' Write: W, Read: R
' Mode: 0=8-Bit, 1=16-Bit
' BRCT: Broadcast only used in Write
' Chip ID, Address, Data: Hex Value
Enable detectors, polling ID bits
Set ring signal threshold to 15V
Enable barrier device interface
Enable line side device analog ckts
20dB boost on for CID
All off hook functions disabled; CID enabled