Kenton Pro-SOLO MkII User Manual

Page 17

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The Pro-SOLO mkII can be controlled by Sysex messages in the following format:

The first five bytes of sysex for the Pro-SOLO mkII are always the same for all data types

[ 1 ] 0F0h - Sysex command
[ 2 ] 00h - Company ident first byte
[ 3 ] 20h - Company ident second byte
[ 4 ] 13h - Company ident third byte
[ 5 ] 03h - Product code – Pro-SOLO

[ 6 ] 0dddnnnn - where ddd is the data type and nnnn is the device number
where ddd = 010 = data change (so for device #1, this byte = 20h)

[ 7 ] 0000uuuu - where uuuu = low 4 bits of parameter address
[ 8 ] 0000hhhh - where hhhh = high 4 bits of parameter address
[ 9 ] 0000uuuu - where uuuu = low 4 bits of data
[ 10 ] 0000hhhh - where hhhh = high 4 bits of data
[ 11 ] 0F7h - end of exclusive

The Pro-SOLO responds by changing the specified data and updating the
display if necessary. Parameter data are accessed at the addresses shown on the
following page.