Kenton Pro-SOLO MkII User Manual

Page 16

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This is a general guide only, further socket kits are available, and many other synths can be
controlled. There simply is not the space to detail all connections to all synths. However if you
visit our website you will find more information there.
A further point to watch for. Some synths use stereo jacks for the CV and GATE connections.
Moog, for instance, use a stereo jack for CV In/Out, and a stereo jack for S-TRIG In/Out on
some synths. Whether the tip or the ring is in or out is hard to say as Moogs are very non-
standard. It seems to vary from synth to synth!
Octave who made the Cat and Kitten synths also use stereo jacks. CV and GATE outputs are
on one stereo jack, and the inputs are on another stereo jack.

Auxiliary output - More control

The AUX output can be used to control functions such as filter cut-off or volume control. This
depends on what control inputs your synth has. Most mono-synths have at least a Filter input,
e.g. the Pro 1. Some synths, such as the Minimoog, also have VCA inputs (volume). Synths such
as the Korg MS20 and ARP 2600 have even more inputs to control effects such as Pulse Width.
The PRO-SOLO has an output called AUX. By plugging the AUX output into the external
control input of the synth, e.g. Filter input, the cut-off frequency can be controlled over MIDI.

The AUX output is not controlled by MIDI note numbers. The converter allows you to set which
MIDI controller, e.g. Modulation Wheel, (or even velocity, after-touch, or pitch bend), will
control the level of the AUX voltage to control the synth`s extra input.

Only synths that have the appropriate inputs can be controlled from a MIDI-

CV converter.

The synth needs some sort of CV and GATE inputs.

CV`s may be labelled CV In, OSC In, Keyboard In, VCO In, Key Volt, etc.

GATEs (and S-TRIG) may be labelled GATE In, S-TRIG, V-TRIG (voltage trigger, same as gate),
Trig In, etc.
Any additional inputs may be utilised, like Filter, VCF fcM, VCF, PORTA (portamento),
Loudness, VCO, PWM, etc. by using the converter’s AUX output.

Some synths that cannot be connected to a MIDI-CV converter via CV, GATE, AUX Outputs
(as they do not have them);


Kenton can do an internal MIDI retrofit


Possible with a PRO 2000 (with WASP port)/ PRO-4/PRO-KADI


Applies to most other preset synths/mono. string machines