Samsung Galaxy Avant User Manual
Page 27

Erasing the Call logs List
You can delete either an individual call log entry or all current entries from the Logs list.
To clear a single entry from the list:
1. From the Home screen, tap
Phone >
Logs tab.
2. Select an entry and then tap Delete > Select all > Done.
To clear all entries from the list:
1. From the Home screen, tap
Phone >
Logs tab.
2. Tap
Menu > Delete > Select all > Done.
3. Tap OK to continue with the erasure.
– or –
Tap Cancel to stop the current process.
Call Duration
1. From the Home screen, tap
Phone >
Logs tab.
2. Tap
Menu > Call duration.
3. The following times are displayed for Voice and Data:
● LAST CALL: Shows the length of time for the last call.
● DIALED CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls made.
● RECEIVED CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls received.
● ALL CALLS: Shows the total length of time for all calls made and received.
● LIFETIME CALLS: Shows the total length of time for calls made and received (these numbers never get
4. You may reset these times (except for LIFETIME CALLS) to zero by tapping
Menu then selecting