Conair WSB User Manual

Page 10

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As you go through this procedure, if WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN, doesn't
happen, see the next section, DIAGNOSTICS, for what to check.

NOTE: 100 and 200 series models (3K load cells), display all weight
readings in 1/10 grams ( x.x). 400, 900, and 1800 series
models (10K load cells) display in FULL grams, no decimal.

On this page we show all weight readings WITH a decimal point.

Start with NO MATERIAL in any hoppers.
Be sure an AIR SUPPLY is connected.
Place ALL switches DOWN; POWER (on front); STOP and PAUSE (on left).


PLUG IN CONTROLLER. Nothing should happen.
Air pressure should be holding ALL valves CLOSED.
This means all air cylinders are extended. If any
slide gate or flap is open, air lines are


TURN POWER ON. Display should show ( FOUR ), software type,
followed by version date (V=50920A),
followed by the check sum number (CKS xxxx),
followed by (ROM OK ),
followed by (RAM = 8K),
followed by (MODEL220) or MB, 140, 131, 122, 240,
420, 440, 940, 1840. (NOTE: The MODEL
number must match your unit, except for

the zero. If not see below.)
followed by ( 0.0),
followed by the actual weight of material in the
bin. This number should be close to 0, plus or
minus several grams ( 20.0) to (- 20.0).

AT THIS POINT: Be sure the display is in tenths of grams,
or full grams depending on your model.

If the weight display is NOT correct, or

the MODEL number is not correct;
see SELECTING CORRECT MODEL, next section.

Display should update the weight every second
reflecting the light pressure that you are
exerting on the bin.

PRESS "*" KEY Display will say (PASSWORD)

PRESS "22222" (2 key five times) (entering the Program mode)
2's will be displayed as you enter them.
Display will show (P x.x) when done.

PRESS "OPER" KEY Display will say (OPERATE )

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