Advanced featur es – Citation Stereo Receiver User Manual
Page 57

Advanced Featur
Surround Delay
setting determines the length of time delay between the front and back
speakers. This should be set to suit your particular taste, anywhere between
, or
thousandths of a second, the maximum recommendation for home environments. (This delay is in
addition to the front-to-back delay programmed during the Speaker Setup procedure.)
The last attribute that can be changed in the analog Surround modes is called
. Selecting
settings progressively expands the front soundstage, particularly
useful when listening to program material with little channel separation. Experiment with
with different program source material to see the improvement it can bring.
Customizing Digital Sources
Customizing digital sources is done similarly, although there are some differences in the modes that
can be customized, and the attributes that can be changed.
Select a digital source, and a uniquely digital Surround mode, such as DTS (in units that incorporate
this option) or Dolby Digital. Press the
. When
Main Menu
appears, press the
Menu Control
twice to highlight
Customize Modes
. Press the
Menu Control
to bring up this menu (Figure OSD-30), and you will see a menu similar, but not identical, to
that used for customizing analog sources.
Figure OSD-30
The choices on the first line,
Mode Buttons
, from which you may select are
, and
Cust 1
Cust 2
, and
Cust 3
. Moving down to the
line, the choices of modes to select from
are quite different than those offered for use with analog sources.
For digital sources, the mode choices are:
Dolby Digital
Late Night 1
Late Night 2
Late Night 3
Pro Logic
While many of these modes are identical or similar to those presented for analog sources, some are
unique to digital sound reproduction.
Modes described as
Late Night
restrict the dynamic range of the program material to avoid
disturbing other household members. These modes tend to reduce the level of loud passages, and
increase the level of quiet passages so that a uniform sound level is maintained. Not that music may
still be played as quietly, or loudly, as desired, but that quiet and loud passages will be closer together
in level.
Late Night
modes can be selected to accommodate different types of sources one might
be playing in the evening; music, videos and so on.
Late Night 1
restricts the dynamic range
Late Night 2
Late Night 3
restricts the dynamic range progressively
more severely.
C u s t o m i z e S u r r o u n d M o d e
M a i n M e n u <
M o d e B u t t o n C u s t 1
M o d e D T S
S t a t u s M o d i f i e d
B a s s E Q 0 d B
F i l t e r s 0 d B
S u r r o u n d L e v e l + 0 0
C e n t e r L e v e l + 0 0
S u b s L e v e l + 0 0
A u t o M o d e S e l O N