Cradlepoint MBR95 User Manual
Page 69

CRADLEPOINT MBR95| USER MANUAL Firmware ver. 3.2.4
© 2011
Wireless (WiFi) Network Settings
By default, the MBR95 has two wireless networks set up: Primary and Guest. ―
Primary‖ is the main network for this router.
―Guest‖ is an additional network that you may enable (this is disabled by default) to allow other people to briefly use your
internet connection without knowing your Primary security password. It may have different security modes than your
Primary network. Users on the Guest network can see other Guest connections and the internet, but cannot see devices
on your Primary network.
Select either your Primary or Guest network. Click
Edit to
view the options to configure that network.
WiFi Name (SSID): When you are browsing for available
wireless networks, this is the name that will be broadcast
from this router for the selected network. This name is
referred to as the SSID (service set identifier). For security
purposes, it is highly recommended that you change this
from the pre-configured name.
Hidden: This shows whether the router broadcasts its
SSID. It is somewhat harder for hackers to find and attack a
router that is not broadcasting its SSID, which adds to the
wireless security.
Isolate: Select this to isolate all wireless clients so they
cannot directly communicate with each other on the
wireless network.
WMM: WiFi Multimedia. This is a basic traffic shaping, or
QoS (quality of service), system for the network. WMM
works behind the scenes to set priorities for different types
of traffic on your network. For example, video streams are
given higher priority than print jobs, since video streams
need consistent throughput.
Enabled: If the network is available.