Cisco 7200 VXR User Manual
Cisco 7200 vxr product overview, Physical description

Cisco 7200 VXR Installation and Configuration Guide
Cisco 7200 VXR Product Overview
This chapter provides physical and functional overviews of the Cisco 7200 VXR routers. Descriptions
and examples of software commands are included when they are necessary for replacing, installing,
configuring, or maintaining the router hardware.
The following sections describe router hardware, major components, and functions of hardware-related
Physical Description, page 1-1
Software Requirements, page 1-4
Cisco 7204VXR Overview, page 1-4
Cisco 7206VXR Overview, page 1-7
Field-Replaceable Units, page 1-10
Functional Overview, page 1-53
Information for Cisco 7200 Series Routers
publication. This document provides important safety
information you should know before working with the system. Statement 200
Physical Description
The Cisco 7200 VXR routers are the newest, multiservice members of the Cisco 7200 series routers. The
Cisco 7200 VXR routers include the Cisco 7204VXR (4-slot router) and the Cisco 7206VXR (6-slot
router). The Cisco 7200 VXR routers are designed to support gigabit capabilities and to improve data,
voice, and video integration in both service provider and enterprise environments.
The Cisco 7200 VXR routers incorporate an integrated Multiservice Interchange (MIX) capability to
support future voice applications. MIX interconnections on the midplane provide the ability to switch
DS-0 time slots between multichannel T1 or E1 interfaces, much like a digital cross-connect or an
add-drop multiplexer. This feature enables the Cisco 7200 VXR routers to switch DS-0 voice channels
on a T1 or E1 interface from one voice processing port adapter to another voice processing port adapter.
It also enables DS-0s to be switched through the Cisco 7200 VXR routers without any processing, a
requirement in certain voice configurations.
Document Outline
- Cisco 7200 VXR Product Overview
- Physical Description
- Software Requirements
- Cisco 7204VXR Overview
- Cisco 7206VXR Overview
- Field-Replaceable Units
- Functional Overview