Heli-Max HMXE0800 User Manual

Page 5

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Electric-powered models are very dangerous due to the
high power they are capable of generating instantly. Please
remove the pinion gear or unplug two of the motor wires
while working on the model.


The Dual Rate Switch changes the control rate of the
helicopter. The High Rate provides the maximum control
which is necessary for 3D fl ight and aerobatics. The low rate
reduces control throw which makes the model easier to fl y.
The low rate is recommended for your fi rst fl ight. Once you
have become accustomed to the AXE 400 3D RTF please
feel free to use high rate if you prefer.

The Throttle Hold Switch is used to disable the power output
of the motor but has no effect on the other controls. The
Throttle Hold Function was originally intended for autorotation
landings (off power descent to landing; this maneuver is
extremely diffi cult and it is recommended that you do not
attempt it unless you have no other choice).

In addition to autorotation the throttle hold function can be
used as a safety switch while handling the model since it
disables the motor. Turn the transmitter on and set the Throttle
Hold Switch to the on position. Now you can safely connect
the fl ight battery without having to worry about inadvertently
moving the throttle stick Once you place the model on the
ground, verify that the idle up switch is off and the throttle
stick has been moved to its lowest position. Then, simply
turn the throttle hold off. The model is now ready to fl y.

Another use for the throttle hold function is to disable the
motor before a crash without having to drop the collective
stick (possibly forcing the model into the ground). Disabling
the motor before a crash will prevent a lot of damage.