Heli-Max HMXE0800 User Manual

Page 11

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periods of time. As you become accustomed to the reversed
controls, you will extend the time inverted. It is very diffi cult
and will take some practice. Also, make sure you have plenty
of altitude for recovery if needed.


WARNING! If you inadvertently select the Idle-Up function
the throttle will instantly power up to at least 85% power
and this may damage the helicopter or possibly cause
injury to yourself or others. For safety leave this function
disabled until you require it. Switch to the Idle Up function
once you are up and hovering in the normal fl ight condition
and be sure to switch back to the Normal fl ight condition
before landing.

Please keep in mind that the pitch curve used for “Normal”
fl ight mode is -1 degree to +10 degrees. Once the Idle
Up function is enabled the Idle Up Pitch Curve will be -10
degrees to +10 degrees. The additional 9° of negative pitch
will cause the helicopter to be extremely sensitive to negative
pitch inputs. Care must be taken in order to avoid slamming
the model into the ground when fl ying in Idle Up mode.

If you are beginning aerobatics or are an experienced pilot
and feel you have a need for the Idle Up function, then please
follow the instructions within the transmitter manual (Page
24) and enable the “I-TH” function. The Idle Up throttle and
pitch curves are already set up for you so only the function
needs to be enabled.




Please refer to the included manufacturer’s instruction
manual for complete details for each function. The initial set
up of the transmitter suits a beginner modeler. If you feel
something needs to be changed, please use the items listed
below as a general guide.

[D/R] – Dual Rate. Adjustment range from 30% to 100%.
You may adjust these to suit your preferences. Default
Settings – 100% for High Rate and 70% for Low Rate. Lower
percentage equals less control throw.

[D/R - EXPO] – Exponential Rate. Adjustment range from
30% to 100%. You may adjust these to suit you. Lower

percentages will create a softer feeling around center stick.
Default Settings -50% for High Rate and -35% for Low Rate.

[GYRO] – Adjusts the amount of corrective gain the gyro
uses to make corrections. Higher percentages may hold the
tail better. If you notice the tail drifting in fl ight, then raise
the gain percentage. If you notice the tail oscillating quickly
reduce the gain. A gain of 45% was found to be the best
starting point.

[SWSH] – Adjust the cyclic and collective control rate.
Please use the dual rate function to adjust the left/right cyclic
and forward/aft cyclic rate. If you feel the model could use
some additional collective pitch please feel free to raise the
[P] function up to 10%. The starting value is +35% and the
maximum value that should be used is +45%.