Transmitter (rtf model) – Heli-Max HMXE0839 User Manual
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transmitter (rtf model)
Please fully read the transmitter manual included with your helicopter to learn
more about how to use and adjust your TX610.
Important Transmitter Functions
The Throttle Hold Switch (HOLD/
FLAP) is used to disable the power
output of the motor but has no effect
on the other controls. The throttle
hold function is intended for
autorotation landings off power
descent to landing; this maneuver
is really not all that realistic in a
model this size. In addition to
autorotation the throttle hold
function can be used as a safety
switch while handling the model
since it disables power to the motor. Turn the transmitter on and set the throttle
hold switch to the on position. Now you can safely connect the fl ight battery
without having to worry about inadvertently moving the throttle stick once you
place the model on the ground. Verify that the idle up switch is off and the throttle
stick has been moved to its lowest position. Then, simply turn the throttle hold
off. The model is now ready to fl y. Another use for the throttle hold function is
to disable the motor before a crash without having to drop the collective stick,
possibly forcing the model into the ground.
The UP-1 function is enabled and
ready to use. The UP-1 Switch
(UP-1/GEAR) function is used for
aerobatics. If you are a beginner to
aerobatics, remember this switch
sets the motor speed (see your
TX610 manual for details) while
still allowing positive and negative
pitch control. This means if you get
confused fl ying, pulling the throttle
stick back WILL NOT decrease the
power to the motor but rather add
power. Hence it’s a good idea to learn to use the Throttle Hold Switch when
you feel a crash is imminent!