Flying your black hawk – Heli-Max HMXE0839 User Manual
Page 17

flying your black hawk
During your fi rst fl ights it is important to have light winds. Also, if you are fl ying
from grass, place a rubber mat or pad down on the grass so the small rotating
parts don’t get hung up in the grass.
Turn off the hold switch and very slowly add power and observe the model. During
“spool up” It is important to note the torque of the main blades can cause the
helicopter to rotate slightly clockwise. This is normal.
Your BLACK HAWK has the incredible Heli-Max TAGS system. The TAGS system
takes care of all center trim function the transmitter. Having said this, you do
not need, or want, to move or adjust the trim buttons during fl ight. If you notice
any slight drifting give it some time. After the helicopter’s swash and servo links
“break-in” the drift will diminish.
Once the helicopter is in the air simply try to keep the helicopter in one spot.
This will take some practice. Remember that even a light breeze will have an
effect on the stability of the helicopter, so please take your time, be patient and
wait for a calm day.
Landing: Level the helicopter into a steady hover and slowly decrease power
until the helicopter settles onto the ground. You might notice as the helicopter
is ready to touch down it moves around a little. This is normal as the helicopter
enters ground effect. Remember to unplug the battery from the helicopter after
your fl ight is complete.
Basic Maneuvers
Once you are comfortable with hovering in one place, start working on orientations.
By this we mean to say, hover the helicopter in all positions, nose to the right,
nose to the left and the nose pointing at you (nose-in). Getting good at this
fundamental discipline will allow you to progress much faster in some of the
more advanced fl ying maneuvers.
Slow Pirouettes: Add a small amount of tail rotor (left or right) and try rotating
the helicopter slightly sideways and see if you can hold it there. If you become
uncomfortable you will want to bring the tail back towards you. Once you are
comfortable, try moving the helicopter to the side and turning back. Then fl y
back to the other side in straight lines. You can try rotating the helicopter around
360°, which is called a pirouette. The helicopter can drift during this maneuver
so make certain you have plenty of room when you fi rst start practicing.