Heli-Max HMXE0839 User Manual
Page 13

Plug the battery into the
helicopter. Make sure the
charge/balance lead is tucked
near the front of the battery
and the battery plug is neatly
tucked away.
Once the fl ight battery has been connected, always handle the
helicopter as if it has full power available.
The helicopter must remain
still for the gyro to initialize
properly. This process can
take up to 5 seconds. You will
see the LED near the front of
the control board stay steady
on. The LED near the center
of the board will fl ash.
It’s a good idea to grasp the
helicopter and rotate it from
side to side to verify the gyros
are working. Replace the
canopy; turn off the HOLD/
FLAP switch. The helicopter
is ready to go.
Carefully slide the canopy
back into place and you’re
ready to go.
To learn more about fl ying your
BLACK HAWK skip forward to
the “Start up and Operation”
portion of the manual.
For your reference here is the
default setup for the Heli-Max
TX610 Transmitter.