GTCO Roll-Up II - Users Guide User Manual
Page 40
Roll-Up II 40
Space Include
Space Exclude
Code: SI
Code: SE
Carriage Return Include
Carriage Return Exclude
Code: CI
Code: CE
Line Feed Include
Line Feed Exclude
Code: LI
Code: LE
These commands control the presence of the corresponding characters in ASCII formats.
Pushbutton codes and where they appear in coordinates are described in the Advanced
Programming Information section. When included, the space is an additional character
separating the X and Y components of the coordinate data. When included, the LINE FEED
is an additional character following the
Alarm Commands
Enable Alarm
Disable Alarm
Code: AE
Code: AD
These commands enable or disable the audible alarm. When enabled, a short tone will
sound when a transducer switch is pressed. When disabled, the alarm will not sound in
response to transducer switch presses, but it may be sounded by remote commands and
will be active during diagnostics and in the menu modes.
Sound Tone
Tone Pause
Code: T1
Code: T0
The Sound Tone command allows a remote device to sound the Roll-Up II’s audible alarm.
Tone Pause provides a pause between tones. Tones and pauses are in 0.25 second
intervals. Tone commands are not affected by the Disable Alarm command.
Diagnostic Commands
Transmit Version Number
Code: VR
Command causes Roll-Up II to determine and transmit the version number of the firmware
currently installed.
Display Tablet Active Area Size
Code: SZ
Roll-Up II automatically determines the size of the attached tablet’s active area when it is
turned on or reset. This command can be used to send the information to another device.