GTCO Roll-Up II - Users Guide User Manual
Page 38
Roll-Up II 38
Set Digitizing Rate
Code: Rx
Coordinates can be sent from the Roll-Up II at rates from 5 to 140 coordinates per second.
The second character in this command sets the rate, as shown in the table below. Actual
rates are limited by the communication baud rate and coordinate type you have selected.
The rates shown here are, therefore, maximum rates.
Rate Commands
Digitizing rate, formats/second
Digitizing rate command
12 100 100 5 10 50
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Change Mode Character
Code: MC
Some applications may have a predefined meaning for the SOH (CTRL-A) character used to
invoke Command Mode. If so, invoking Command Mode may cause your system to do
something else. You can set the Roll-Up II so that a character other than SOH is used to
begin Command Mode. Here is how to make the substitution:
1. Enter Command Mode.
2. Send MC, followed by a
3. Enter the desired mode change character. The new mode character can be any
character except ESC (CTRL-[, hex 1B),
VT (CTRL-K, hex 0B), XON (CTRL-Q, hex 11) or XOFF (CTRL-S, hex 13).
Now, when you want to enter the Command Mode, send the new character. All other
command operations remain unchanged.
Select English Measurement Scale
Select Metric Measurement Scale
Code: IN
Code: MT
Invoking these commands causes the Roll-Up II to scale coordinates in the desired
measurement system. Roll-Up II measures in only one scale at a time. See Measurement
Scales for additional information on how scale selection affects coordinate data.
Enable Echo Mode
Disable Echo Mode
Code: EM
Code: hex 0F (Ctrl-O)
These commands control echoing by the Roll-Up II. When enabled, echoing transmits each
received character back to the sending device.