Great Planes Fun One 40 - GPMA0490 User Manual
Page 8

U 2. Cut the fin and rudder frame from the 1/4" x
1/2" and the 1/4" x 1" slicks and pin them in place over the
plan. Put a drop of thin CA on each joint but be careful not
to glue the fin to the rudder.
D 12. Trial fit the joiner wire into the elevators, then
glue it in using 5-minute epoxy. Work plenty of epoxy into
the holes with a toothpick, then pin the elevators in place
over the plan to insure perfect alignment. Keep the joiner
pushed into the elevators all the way to keep a 1/32" gap
between the front of the joiner and the slab trailing edge.
Keep this assembly pinned down until the glue has com-
pletely cured.
D 13. Remove the stab from the work surface and sand
the tips of the leading and trailing edge flush with the stab
ends. Draw a centerline around the stab and sand the
leading edge and the tips of the slab to a nice rounded cross
D 3. Cut the dorsal fin from the l / 4 " x l " slick and tack
glue it to the fin using the plan to correctly position it. The
dorsal fin may have to be removed later. Cut the rudder
gusset from the same stick and glue it in place.
D 14. Remove the elevators from the plan and sand the
leading edge to a V-shape as shown on the plans. Tape the
elevators in place against the slab and sand the elevator
ends to match the stab.
D 4. Cut the "ribs" from the 1/4" square stick and glue
them in place with CA.
D 1. Tape the fuselage plan down to your flat work
surface. Tape a piece of waxed paper over the fin and
rudder portion of the plan.
D 5. Remove the fin and rudder from the work surface
and apply med/thick CA to all joints. Use a T-bar or
sanding block to sand both sides smooth.