Great Planes Fun One 40 - GPMA0490 User Manual
Page 22

D 23. Use a 1/4-20 tap and a tap wrench to cut threads
in the ply wing bolt block in the fuselage.
D 24. Harden the threads in the wing bolt block by
applying thin CA to the threads. After the glue has com-
pletely cured, re-tap the threads.
D 25. Cut the 1/4-20 x 2" nylon wing bolts (NY-
LON 13) so the threaded portion is approximately 3/4"
long. An easy way to cleanly cut them without messing up
the threads is to press an Xacto knife into the bolt where
you want to cut it and then bend the bolt with your hands.
It will break where the cut is, just clean up the threads with
the knife.
1/4-20 x 2" Nylon Bolt
D 26. Test fit the wing to the fuse using the 1/4-20 nylon
bolts and then remove the wing.
D 27. Later you will apply foam wing seating tape or
silcone sealer to the wing saddle. To allow space for this
wing cushion material, you may sand the saddle slightly in
the areas where the wing touches the saddle, to provide a
small gap.
NOTE: In the next steps, maintain straightness by
keeping the wing down on the flat surface.
D 1. Before applying the leading edge sheeting in the
next step, use yourT-bar to lightly sand o f f any protruding
edges on the shear webs and smoothly blend the ribs to the
Leading Edge Sheeting
D 2. Cut the 1/16" balsa leading edge sheeting
(FUN 1 W 11) as shown in the sketch above (Make 4).
D 3. Prepare the balsa leading edge sheeting by sand-
ing the front edge to a slight bevel so it will fit snugly
against the back of the leading edge
Bevel this edge
D 4. Position the leading edge sheeting in place and
glue it to the leading edge with thin CA. Do not attempt to
glue it to the ribs yet, just let it rest on the ribs while you
glue it to the LE. NOTE: The root end of the sheet should
start at the wing centerline.
D 5. Check the leading edge sheeting. If it does not
bend around the ribs easily, wet the top surface of the
sheeting and wail a few minutes so it will bend easier.
D 6. Apply med/thick CA glue to the top edge of the
ribs and to the top of the spar. Bend the sheeting down onto
the ribs and spar. Place one of the ailerons on top of the
sheeting with the thick edge near the spar and apply hand