Decisions you must make now – Great Planes Fun One 40 - GPMA0490 User Manual
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The recommended engine size range is as follows:
.25 - .40 cubic inch displacement 2-cycle
.40 -.50 cubic inch displacement 4-cycle
NOTE: There arc several "High Power" .25 to .34 size
engines available which have as much power has
some .40 size engines yet weigh about the same as
most .25 size engines. We highly recommend cither
the OS Max .32 or the Super Tigrc G34. The FUN-
ONE can structurally handle hot .40 size engines but
be careful about using heavy engines. The short tail
moment and swept wing makes it easy to end up with
a nose heavy model!
This kit includes a Great Planes MM19 engine
mount that fits most .20 - .34 (2-cyclc) engines. If you
prefer, you may purchase a custom engine mount
made specifically for your engine (check with your
hobby dealer), or you may choose to install shock-ab-
sorbing rubber-cushioned mounts.
To save weight, we recommend using lightweight
foam rubber wheels.
2-3/4" diameter main wheels are recommended.
The larger the diameter the more they will absorb
hard landings and the better they will roll on grass
fields). If you build it with tricycle landing gear, the
nose wheel should be 1/4" smaller than the main
A 1-1/4" diameter tailwheel is recommended.
The FUN-ONE is capable of using computer ra-
dios and other radios with mixing functions to pro-
vide flapcron type control. This type of mixing uses
a separate servo for each aileron and allows both ai-
lerons to move in relation to the elevator. The
flapcrons will drop when up elevator is applied, and
vicc-vcrsa, which enables the plane to perform very
tight maneuvers and also enhances its slow flight
capabilities. This setup also provides Ihc most pre-
cise flight characteristics since The ailerons are hooked
directly to the servo with the control horn in the
middle of the aileron (very little slop).
If you have a radio without mixing capabilities
you will normally install only one servo in the center
of the wing. NOTE: If you arc going to use a high
power .40 size engine you should consider using two
aileron servos connected by a Y-harness to achieve
the precise control offered by this set-up. There is
also much less chance of aileron flutter with two
There are several places in the instructions which
alert you to perform different steps depending on the
setup you choose. You might also consider installing
the servo rails and tubes for two servos even though
you may not plan on using two servos right now.
They do not add much weight and they will be there
if you ever need them.
0 Four-channel radio with 4 servos (A radio with at least
five channels, 5 servos and mixing capabilities is
required if flaperons will be used).
0 Propellers (see engine instructions for recommended
0 Spinner (2" diameter)
0 Fuel Tank (6 ounce)
0 5/32" Wheel Collars (2 - for tricycle)
0 3/32" Wheel Collars (2 - for taildragger
0 2 Rolls Monokote covering (or similar)
0 Silicone Fuel Tubing (std. size)
0 Wing Seating Tape (or silicone sealer ... see
0 Latex Foam Rubber Padding (1/4" thick)
0 Dubro "E-Z Connector" (or equivalent)
0 Flex-Cable Pushrod for Throttle (& Nosegear)
0 2 oz. Thin CA Adhesive
0 2 oz. Medium or Thick CA Adhesive
0 2.5 oz.. 5-Minute Epoxy
0 Hand or Electric Drill
0 Drill Bits: 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 7/64",
9/64", 13/64", 7/32", and 1/4"
0 Sealing Iron
0 Heat Gun
0 Hobby Saw (Xacto Razor Saw)
0 Xacto Knife, #11 Blades
0 Pliers
0 Screw Drivers
0 T-Pins
0 Straightedge
0 Masking Tape (Required for construction)
0 Sandpaper (coarse, medium, fine grit)*
0 T-Bar Sanding Block (or similar)
0 Waxed Paper
0 Lightweight Balsa Filler
0 1/4-20 Tap, Tap Wrench
0 Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
0 Dremel Moto Tool or similar (optional)
*NOTE: On our workbench, we have four 11" T-Bar sanders,
equipped with #50, #80, #100 and #150-grit sandpaper. This setup
is all that is required for almost any sanding task. We also keep
some #320-grit wet-or-dry sandpaper handy for finish sanding
4 before covering.