Great Planes Fun One 40 - GPMA0490 User Manual
Page 33

guide tubes. If the tubes are not a tight friction fit on the
pushrod wires, apply a drop of thin CA to secure them.
D 14. Insert (he pushrod wires into the pushrod guide
tubes (previously installed) and attach the clevises to the
elevator and rudder horns.
D 15. While holding the rudder and elevators in the
neutral position, mark where the pushrod wires cross the
holes in the servo wheels where each pushrod will be
D 16. Remove the elevator and rudder pushrods and
make "Z-bends" at the marks you just made. Cut off the
excess pushrod wire.
D 17. Unscrew the nylon clevises, re-insert the pushrods,
and replace the clevises. Remove the servo wheels and
work the Z-bends into the holes (drill out the holes in the
servo wheels to 5/64" if necessary). Finally, place the
servo wheels back onto the servos and check the operation
of the elevator and rudder.
We recommend the following
NOTE: Throws are measured at the widest part of the
elevator and rudder.
ELEVATOR: (High R a t e ) . . . .1/2" up 1/2" down
(Low Rate) . . . .3/8" up 3/8" down
RUDDER: (High Rate)... .As much as possible
(Low Rate) ... .1" right 1" left
AILERONS: (High R a t e ) . . . . 3/4" up 3/4" down
(Low Rate) ... .1/2" up 1/2" down
FLAPERONS (for dual aileron servos only): This is
something you will have to play with to suit your flying
style and balancing position. A good place to start with
is 30% of the elevator throw on computer radios. This
is about 3/8" of aileron (flap) travel at full elevator
travel (1/2"). Be careful when setting (his up so that
full aileron/elevator/flap throw does not bind the servo
or over extend the ailerons.
NOTE: Too much elevator throw will cause the plane
to roll or snap out of tight loops and high angle of attack
NOTE: If your radio does not have "dual rates", then
set up the control surfaces to move at the low rate
throws for sport flying, and high rate throws for "HOT
D 18. Securely anchor the pushrod guide lubes to F-4
using cross-braces cut from scrap 1/8" balsa.
D 19. Attach the throttle pushrod to the throttle. NOTE:
We recommend using a DuBro "E-Z connector" (or simi-
lar) for this hookup, for ease of installation and adjust-
ment. HINT: Solder the flex cable pushrod where it will
pass through the E-Z connector, then sand the cable until
it fits through the hole in the connector.
D 20. Hook up your radio system and test the operation
of all controls.
D 1. Wrap your receiver and battery in plastic bags,
then wrap with foam rubber.
D 2. Secure the battery to the fuselage between F-2
and F-3. The battery must be secure, but must be sur-
rounded by foam rubber to protect it from hard vibrations.
NOTE: If you later find the airplane to be nose-heavy, it
may be necessary to move the battery behind former F4. If
you do put the battery there it is very important to properly
secure it so it doesn't move around.
D 3. The receiver should also be positioned in the area
between F-2 and F-3.
D 4. Route the receiver antenna in one of the follow-
ing ways:
a. Route the antenna along the inside of the fuse
(in the radio compartment) and out of the fuse
side just behind the servos. Anchor the antenna
to the top of the fin with a rubber band.
b. From the receiver, run the antenna directly
through the left fuse side, then back to the
c. Install another "pushrod guide tube" (not sup
plied) along the inside of the fuse, along the
bottom, ex it ing just forward of the tailgcar. Insert
the antenna through the tube, and leave the
excess length trail behind.
D 5. Mount the on-off switch to the front of F-3 using
double-sided "servo tape," or in the servo tray, and run a
1/16" pushrod wire out the left side of the fuse, so you can
operate the switch without removing the wing.