Build the fin & rudder – Great Planes RV-4 40 Kit - GPMA0180 User Manual

Page 9

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15. Bevel the L.E. of the elevator halves as shown on the

plan cross section.

16. Trial fit the stab, hinges and elevator halves together.

Important: Do not glue the hinges in place. This will be
done after the model has been covered.

1. Locate the two die-cut 1/8" [3mm] balsa fin tops (FT).

Glue them together forming the 1/4" [6mm] balsa fin top.

2. Pin the fin top over the plan. Assemble the fin using the

1/4" x 1/2" x 30" [6 x 13 x 750mm] balsa sticks, cuttting them
to size as shown on the plan.

3. Cut the 1/4" x 1/4" x 30" [6 x 6 x 750mm] balsa sticks

to size as shown on the plan. Then glue them in place to
form the fin inner structure.

4. Locate the two die-cut 1/8" balsa rudder bases (RB).

Glue them together forming the 1/4" balsa rudder base.

5. Pin the rudder base over the plan. Construct the rudder

outer structure using the 1/4" x 1/2" x 30" [6 x 13 x 750mm]
balsa sticks. Cut them to size as shown on the plan Then
glue them in place.

6.Cut the 1/4" x 1/4" x 30" [6 x 6 x 750mm] balsa sticks to

size as shown on the plan to form the rudder inner structure.

7. Remove the parts from the plan. Sand the control

surfaces smooth and shape the L.E. of the fin and the T.E.
of the rudder to match the cross section shown on the plan.
Do not shape the L.E. of the rudder.

8. Locate a center line on the T.E. of the fin. Follow the

same procedure used for doing this on the stab and elevator.

9. Using the plans as your reference, mark the location for

the hinges on the T.E. of the fin and the L.E. of the rudder.

10. Cut the hinge slots using the same procedure used for

the stab and elevator.

11. Bevel the L.E. of the rudder as shown on the plan

cross section.

12. Trial fit the fin, hinges and rudder halves together.

Important: Do not glue the hinges in place. This will be
done after the model has been covered.

Build the Fin & Rudder