Caution, Mandatory procedures, Item check – Futaba 3PDF User Manual

Page 5: Prohibited procedures mandatory procedures, For your safety as well as that of others

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For your safety as well as that of others.

Mandatory Procedures

Extend the transmit-
ter antenna to its full

If the transmitter antenna is not
fully extended the operating
range of the radio will be re-

Item Check

Check the transmitter antenna to be
sure it is not loose.

If the transmitter antenna works loose, or is discon-
nected while the model is running signal transmission
will be lost. This will cause you to lose control of the


Prohibited Procedures

Mandatory Procedures

Always perform a operating range
check prior to use.

Problems with the radio control system as well as im-
proper installation in a model could cause loss of con-

(Simple range test method)

Have a friend hold the model, or clamp it down or
place it where the wheels or prop can not come in
contact with any object. Walk away and check to
see if the servos follow the movement of the con-
trols on the transmitter. Should you notice any ab-
normal operation, Do not operate the model. Also
check to be sure the model memory matches the
model in use.

When changing the frequency, be
sure to always use genuine Futaba
crystal sets (transmitter and receiver)
as specified in this manual. (Chang-
ing the frequency crystals in systems
on 75MHz is illegal per FCC regula-

If other brands of crystals are
used the system may not op-
erate or the operating range
may be reduced.Loss of con-
trol will occur .

Do not touch the engine, motor, speed control or any part of
the model that will generate heat while the model is operating
or immediately after its use.

These parts may be very hot and can cause serious burns.

Turning on the power switches.
Always check the throttle trigger on the
transmitter to be sure it is at the neutral

1. Turn on the transmitter power switch.

2. Turn on the receiver or speed control
power switch.

Turning off the power switches
Always be sure the engine is not
running or the motor is stopped.

1. Turn off the receiver or speed control power switch.

2. Then turn off the transmitter power switch.

If the power switches are turned off in the opposite
order the model may unexpectedly run out of control
and cause a very dangerous situation.

When making adjustments to
the model do so with the en-
gine not running or the motor

You may unexpectedly lose control and
create a dangerous situation.

When operating your model
always display a frequency
flag on your transmitter an-

When you change the frequency, also
change the flag to the corresponding chan-

Extend to

full length

Tx: Transmitter

Rx: Receiver

Use genuine Futaba

crystal sets only.





Power ON

Power OFF