Glossary, Reference – Futaba 3PDF User Manual
Page 38

The following defines the symbols and terms used in this instruction manual
Frequency that receiver and transmitter oper-
ate on.
Represents the number of functions the trans-
mitter will control.
A set of parts manufactured for building a
Modulation method
Two modulation methods are used with R/C
systems: AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM
(Frequency Modulation). Another method that
encodes and transmits the modulated signals is
called "PCM".
The center position. It is the point where the
steering wheel and throttle return to when they
are not being operated
Because today's R/C systems control servos in
proportion to the transmitter operation they are
called proportional.
Servo Horn
The part that is installed on the output shaft on
the servo to convert to rotating motion of the
servo to transmit the linear to a control rod.,
Servo horns come in various shapes.
Servo Mount
Advise used to secure the servo in the model.
(Most often supplied in the model kit)
Steering (ST)
System to make the model turn left or right us-
ing the front wheels.
Steering Wheel
A devise for controlling the steering from the
transmitter. It is shaped like a wheel.
Devise that controls the air mixture at the en-
gine intake. When opened a large air mixture is
sucked in and the engine speed increases.
When closed the engine speed decreases.
Throttle Trigger
Devise provided on the transmitter to control
the throttle. It is shaped like the trigger on a gun.
Devise that fine adjusts the neutral point of
each servo.