Repairs – Flyzone FLZA4022 User Manual
Page 16

It’s also a great idea to use a LiPo battery checker (HCAP0275)
to check the battery before each fl ight (to make sure you
haven’t inadvertently grabbed a discharged battery) and to
check the battery after fl ight to make sure you haven’t over
discharged your battery by fl ying too long. A safe, conservative,
minimum voltage is 3.65V – 3.7V per cell right after a fl ight.
Parts damaged beyond repair can be purchased separately.
The full replacement part list is printed in the front of the manual
on page 4. Often though, parts can be repaired and you can
get your Beaver back into the air with a little glue and ingenuity.
The Beaver is made from injection-molded EPO (expanded
polyolefi n) foam which can be glued with just about anything.
Most people use regular CA. With CA no clamping is required,
but some prefer softer, more fl exible adhesives such as white
glue or canopy glue. These will require clamps or tape to hold
the parts together while the glue dries.
One fi nal note about fl ying your model. Have a goal or fl ight
plan in mind for every fl ight. This can be learning a new
maneuver(s), improving a maneuver(s) you already know,
or learning how the model behaves in certain conditions
(such as on high or low rates). This is not necessarily to
improve your skills (though it is never a bad idea!), but more
importantly so you do not surprise yourself by impulsively
attempting a maneuver and suddenly fi nding that you’ve run
out of time, altitude or airspeed. Every maneuver should be
deliberate, not impulsive. For example, if you’re going to do a
loop, check your altitude, mind the wind direction (anticipating
rudder corrections that will be required to maintain heading),
remember to throttle back at the top, and make certain you
are on the desired rates (high/low rates). A fl ight plan greatly
reduces the chances of crashing your model just because
of poor planning and impulsive moves. Remember to think.
Have a ball! But always stay in control
and fl y in a safe manner.
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