Fleet Engineers NS-08001 User Manual
Air slipper, Side skirt installation instructions

4. With the Air Slipper Side Skirt temporarily attached, final
installation can begin. At the start and end of EACH 10 foot
panel, attach a Steel Flange Stiffener and Hold-Down Clamp
on the top flange as shown. An additional Steel Flange Stiffener
and Hold-Down Clamp
needs to be added to the
miDDlE of each 120”
panel. mark the location
of the holes. and drill
with a 3/8” bit. install the
supplied 5/16” hardware
into the holes and tighten
to 21 foot pounds of
NOTE: These instructions for installation are intended to be a
general guide to help the installer. The installer is responsible for
the ultimate installation
design. Any modifications
to the product are at the
discretion, responsibility
and risk of the installer.
Air Slipper
Side Skirt
Installation Instructions
installation Sheet #iNS-08001
1. move the trailer slider into the foremost position, if equipped.
layout all the Air Slipper Side Skirt components, half of the
components on each side of the trailer, to ease the installation
Installation Sheet #INS-08001 • Rev. E 2/13
6. The galvanized
steel support
angles can then
be added to the
trailer. Attach the
clamps to the
bottom side of
the trailer cross
members using
the supplied 3/8”
hardware. On 2”
cross members,
position the
plastic spacer
between the
cross member
clamps and slide
the bolt through
(the plastic
spacer is not needed on 1-1/2” cross member). make sure
that the cross member clamps are firmly seated on the cross
7. Once all of the galvanized steel support angles are in place,
the Air Slipper Side Skirt can be adjusted to be square and
perpendicular to the side of the trailer. Sight down the front of
the trailer and adjust the galvanized steel support angles in or
out as needed to adjust the appearance. With all of the panels
adjusted, torque the 3/8” bolts down on the cross member
clamps and galvanized steel vertical stiffeners to 38 foot
8. insert PVC H-connectors in the
lower extrusion gaps at panel
over lap location(s) making sure
enough of the lower extrusion is
covered by all four holes on the
H-connector. Drill 5/16” holes
through lower extrusion in all four
hole locations in H-connectors.
insert included press in fasteners
(Christmas tree) in each hole.
9. Repeat the above steps for the
opposite side.
2. measure the opening of the trailer from the landing gear crank
to the start of the slider. Use this measurement to determine
the front to rear placement of the Air Slipper Side Skirt. A
minimum of 6” must be present between the Side Skirt and
tires at all times. The landing gear crank also needs to have
clearance to function properly. it may be necessary to remove
the side marker lights. Follow the trailer manufacturer’s
recommendations for the proper removal. After the Air Slipper
Side Skirt is installed, the lights may be reinstalled.
3. instructions are for one side of the Side Skirt at a time. Starting
at the front of the trailer, use spring clamps to temporarily
attach the Air Slipper Side Skirt panels to the underside of the
trailer. The panels are designed to overlap one another with
the top panel being closest to the front of the trailer, this is
for appearance and performance. While attaching the spring
clamps, make sure to keep the panel flush with the outside of
the trailer. Once all of the panels have been temporarily hung,
double check the Air Slipper Side Skirt for proper clearances
and the appearance from the outside of the trailer.
5. A pre-assembled
paNEl SuppoRt
mOUNT needs
to be placed at
the start and
end of each
panel. mount
directly under the steel flange
stiffeners and hold-down clamps
and center on the Side Skirt.
make sure none of the holes
on the galvanized steel vertical
stiffeners fall on top of a rib. At
the overlap, a paNEl SuppoRt
mOUNT must be placed to
secure both Side Skirts together.
Use the supplied ¼” hardware
to attach the angle. The head
of the button head bolt should go on the outside of the trailer
for a nicer appearance. Once the placement of the angles has
been determined, you can drill the four holes needed to mount
the angle. Use a ¼” bit for the holes. Start at the top of the
galvanized steel vertical stiffener and install the bolts. Work
down to the bottom. Torque the bolts to 11 foot pounds.
1800 East Keating ave. • Muskegon, MI 49442
1-231-777-2537 • 1-800-333-7890 • FaX: 1-231-773-5500
Panel Support Mount (pre-assembled)
2” Cross Member
with Spacer
1-1/2” Cross Member
without Spacer