Fleet Engineers INS 13001 User Manual
Aerosaver, Side skirt installation instructions

NOTE: These instructions for
installation are intended to be a
general guide to help the installer.
The installer is responsible for the
ultimate installation design. Any
modifications to the product are
at the discretion, responsibility
and risk of the installer.
Side Skirt
Installation Instructions
Installation Sheet #INS-13001
1. Move the trailer slider into the foremost position, if equipped.
Layout all the AeroSaver
Side Skirt components, half of the
components on each side of the trailer, to ease the installation
Installation Sheet #INS-13001 • 4/13
2. Measure the opening of the trailer from the landing gear crank
to the start of the slider. Use this measurement to determine
the front to rear placement of the AeroSaver
Side Skirt. A
minimum of 6” must be present between the Side Skirt and
tires at all times.
3. Use a chalk line to snap a
line from back of trailer to
inside of the landing gear.
This line will be used to
keep everything straight
during install. Place front
panel under trailer, finished
side facing out. Grab two
(2) hanger mounts from
package, and hardware
bags 1 and 2. Hold front
panel (panel with taper)
on chalk line inside of the
landing gear. Hold panel
against cross members and
place 1 bracket at the front
of the panel onto the cross
member and hanging track.
Install cross member clamp
and 1” plastic spacers onto
the hanger mount. Install
5/16” carriage bolts through
holes. Move to the end of
the front panel and install
hanger mount bracket with
cross member clamp, 1”
plastic spacers, and 5/16”
carriage bolts.
4. Retrieve middle panel, two hanger mounts and hardware bags
1, 2 and joining hardware. Place panel on chalk line up against
cross members. Overlap middle panel behind front panel.
Ensure that panel joining holes line up. Install two hardware
brackets as done on
front panel. Once
brackets are installed,
use hardware bag 3 to
join front and middle
panel together.
5. Retrieve rear panel, two
hanger mounts and
hardware bags 1, 2 and
remainder of bag 3.
Place panel on chalk line up against cross members. Overlap
rear panel behind middle panel. Ensure that panel joining holes
line up. Install two hardware brackets as done on front and
middle panels. Once brackets are installed, use remainder of
joining hardware to join rear
and middle panels together.
6. Starting with front panel
hanging mount bracket, install
supplied bolts into lower 2 slots
centering bolts in slot holes.
Repeat step for remaining 5
7. On first and last bracket of
the skirt, drill and install bolt
through galvanized steel and
the top of the hanging mount
8. Repeat the above steps for the
opposite side of the trailer.
9. Once both sides are installed,
ensure that all fasteners
are torque to required
1/4” bolts – Torque to 11 ft/lbs
5/16” bolts – Torque to 21 ft/lbs
10. Remove protective film to
finish installation.
1800 East Keating Ave. • Muskegon, MI 49442
1-231-777-2537 • 1-800-333-7890 • FAX: 1-231-773-5500
Side Skirt Component Parts
034-02533 white set
034-02535 roadside front white
034-02536 roadside middle white
034-02537 roadside rear white
034-02538 curbside front white
034-02539 curbside middle white
034-02540 curbside rear white
034-02554 panel hanger
034-02553 hanger mount