Log information (log opt) – FingerTec TimeLine 100 Manual User Manual
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Information available includes:
AttLog (10k):
Showing the number of attendance logs that can be stored in the termi-
nal, for example for AttLog (10k) 12 means 10,000 x 12 = 120,000
S Logs:
Showing the number of Scanner Logs available for the terminal.
Manufactured Time (Manu Time):
The date and time when the terminal was produced
is displayed when you press Manu Time
Serial Number of the Terminal (Serial Num):
The serial number of the terminal is im-
portant to activate the software and to liaise with FingerTec Worldwide in support is-
sues. The Serial number is pasted on the back of the terminal but in case the sticker is
damaged, this is where you can retrieve the serial number.
Get the name of the manufacturer of the terminal here.
Device Name:
All models have different names. If you don’t know the name of the
terminal that you are having, get it here.
Algorithm Version:
FingerTec Worldwide has already released a few algorithm ver-
sions into the market since the year 2000. New algorithm version comes with some
improvements. This is where you can find terminal’s algorithm version.
Firmware Version:
Support sometimes require firmware version to resolve some sup-
port issues. The version and date of the version is released is provided here. For exam-
ple: Ver 6.20 Aug 19 2009
View MAC:
This feature is a security feature of the products. Linking Software to the ter-
minal requiring the correct MAC address. Without availability of MAC address, software
will not be activated correctly. All products are supplied with the correct MAC address
to ease communication. This is also to hinder people from using software with a dif-
ferent hardware brand. An example of a MAC address is 00:0A:5D F1 BE 57. Menu > Sys
Info > Dev Info > View MAC
MCU Version:
An MCU is the Main Controller Unit for the terminals. Version of the MCU
determines the features and functions the terminal carries.
To check the MCU Version:
Menu > Sys Info > Dev Info > MCU Version
Log Information (Log Opt)
A terminal can only retain certain amount of information before the terminal becomes
full and stops accepting any more data . To maintain the performance of a terminal, you
can set an alarm to alert you when the data reaches a certain warning level.
To instruct terminal to alert user if the transaction storage for administrator login is less
than as configured. Default value is 99.
To instruct terminal to alert user if the transaction storage is less than as configured.
Default value is 99
To instruct terminal to update clocking times of all users in a time interval. Default is 10