Checking the genuine tcms v2, Installation and setup of tcms v2, Connecting the terminals to tcms v2 – FingerTec AC100 User Manual

Page 14: Power supply port, Determining terminal number, Using tcp/ip

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FingerTec TCMS v2

Product Key:


S/N: 8203602 Activation Key: K2EWF5SZ



poWer SUpply porT

Insert the Power Adapter point to this port for power.

rS232/rS485/WiegANd CoNNeCTioN porT


Connection to a computer using RS232 cable.

RS485 Single Connection


Connection to a single computer using RS485 wire.

RS485 Network Connection


Connection to multiple computers using Daisy Chain connection.

Wiegand Output

Connecting with third party connector or terminal(s).

Checking the Genuine TCMS V2

TCMS V2 is a genuine software by FingerTec. Check the genuine sticker on top of the

TCMS V2 software manual booklet to retrieve a product and activation code. The serial

number of the terminal must be a match with the serial number printed on the booklet

in order to activate the system.

Installation and Setup of TCMS V2

Install TCMS in a PC with sufficient minimum requirements. Refer to


for TCMS V2 Manual online. Setup Wizard will require the product

key and activation code to activate the system. In case you lose TCMS V2 product key and

activation code, go to

for retrieval.

Connecting The Terminals to TCMS V2

deTermiNiNg TermiNAl NUmBer

Identify the number of your terminal to differentiate between one another. One TCMS

V2 can connect to 999 units of terminal. Press Menu > Options > Comm Opt > Dev Num

> Select the number.

USiNg TCp/ip

Determining the IP Address

IP address is important, as it is a unique address of the terminal in LAN. Without the IP

address, locating the specific terminal is not possible.

To input the IP address of the terminal:

Press Menu > Options > Comm Opt > IP Addr > Key in IP


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