Methods of enrollment, Fingerprint enrollment – FingerTec FMM-100 User Manual
Page 6

Methods of Enrollment
Fingerprint Enrollment
Please assign an enrollee as a Super Admin before you proceed to enroll any other cre-
dentials, as the menu options are only available to a Super Administrator.
It is recommended that all users enroll two fingerprints for each user ID. The first finger-
print will serve as a template for primary access where the other fingerprint will be used
as a backup in the rare event that your first fingerprint is unreadable.
Prior to enrolling your fingerprint, please choose the fingers that will be used to enroll
into the device. We recommend using both index fingers as opposed to your thumbs as
their size may differ between individuals, which may not fit wholly on the scanner.
Follow the steps below to enroll a fingerprint:
Step 1:
Press Menu
New User
Step 2:
User ID
Key in User ID
This is the unique ID number that represents the user in the devices and software.
Make sure you do not use duplicated ID. The maximum length is 9-digits
Step 3:
Select Fingerprint
Press the arrow key to select which finger(s) to enroll from
the on screen image.
Step 4:
Press OK to start enrolling the fingerprint
Place your finger on the scanner
3 times
Screen will display the quality of image captured
Press OK to save
ESC to return to the main page
Step 5:
Press Role
Select Role
Select Normal User
Press OK to save
Select Super Admin or other defined role(s) you wish to assign to this user.
Refer to Section 1.5 User Role for more details. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to enroll the
2nd backup fingerprint.