Eliminator Lighting UV Disc User Manual
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Manual Mode:
1. Plug the fixture in and press the UP or DOWN buttons until “MAN” is displayed, and press
2. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the output intensity.
DMX Mode:
perating through a DMX controller gives the user the freedom to create their own programs tailored
to their own individual needs. The UV Disc has 1 DMX channel; Dimming.
1. This function will allow you to control each individual fixture’s traits with a standard DMX 512
2. To run your fixture in DMX mode press the MODE button until “A.XXX” is displayed. “XXX” repre-
sents the current displayed address. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to select your desired DMX
3. After you have chosen your desired DMX address plug in the fixture via the XLR connections to
any standard DMX controller.
1. Plug the fixture in and press the UP or DOWN buttons until “dEFA” is displayed, and press
2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons so that YES is displayed, and press ENTER. The unit will now
revert back to the default settings.
Master-Slave Configuration:
1. Set the “Master” unit to your desired operating mode, then connect the “Slave” units.
©Eliminator® Los Angeles, CA. - www.EliminatorLighting.com
1 Year Limited Warranty:
Eliminator Lighting warranty is valid from the date of purchase. Our
1 year limited warranty covers manufacturing defects only. Serial number, place of purchase with
dated valid receipt must be submitted at time of service. Eliminator Lighting warranty does not cover
items or parts prone to wear and tear: lamps, fuses, brushes and belts. Eliminator Lighting warranty
is only valid with-in the United States.