Jumper function, Chipkit uno32 jumper settings – Digilent 410-209P-KIT REV.C User Manual
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chipKIT Uno32 Reference Manual
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chipKIT Uno32 Jumper Settings
The chipKIT development platforms use a Microchip PIC32 microcontroller. These are 32-bit
products that bring unprecedented features to the Arduino community. In order to maintain
compatibility with existing hardware and software, additional jumpers and row headers are
provided. This document describes the functionality of the jumpers listed in the figure below.
chipKIT Uno32 Jumpers
Jumper Function
POWER SELECT: Used to connect/bypass the on-board 5V regulator when
using an external power supply connected to J4.
J4 supply is regulated (i.e., 5V will be
present on 5V pin)
J4 supply bypasses regulator (i.e.,
Supply voltage will be present on 5V
Note: To protect the PIC32 MCU, a 3.3V on-board regulator will always be
enabled regardless of JP2 settings.
Note: If you’re not sure what POWER SELECT does, be safe and keep JP2 on
the two right-most pins so the J4 supply is regulated.
PWM/SPI SLAVE: Configures pin 10 on J5 to be used as a PWM output or a
Slave Select input for use as an SPI slave device.
Pin 10 configured as an SPI SS input
Pin 10 configured as a PWM output