Digilent 410-209P-KIT REV.C User Manual
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chipKIT Uno32 Reference Manual
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2. JP3 – Microchip Debug Tool Connector
This connector is used to connect Microchip programmer/debugger tools, such as the
PICkit™3. This allows the Uno32 board to be used as a traditional microcontroller
development board using the Microchip MPLAB
3. J4 – External Power Connector
This is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel connector used to power the Uno32 board from an
external power supply. It is wired with the center terminal as the positive supply voltage.
The power supply voltage must be in the range 7V to 15V.
4. Power Supply – 3.3V Regulator
Voltage regulator for the 3.3V power supply. This power supply can provide up to 500mA
of current.
5. JP2 – Power Select Jumper
This jumper is used to route power from the external power connector through the on-
board 5V voltage regulator or to bypass the 5V regulator. The REG position routes power
through the 5V regulator. The BYP position bypasses the on-board 5V regulator. With this
jumper in the BYP position the maximum input voltage that can be applied at the external
power connector is 6V.
6. Power Supply – 5V Regulator
This on-board 5V voltage regulator regulates the input voltage applied at the external
power connector to 5V. This is used to power the 3.3V regulator and to provide 5V power
to expansion shields. This regulator can provide up to 800mA of current.
7. J2 – Shield Power Connector
This connector provides power to I/O expansion shields connected to the board.
8. PIC32
The PIC32MX320F128H microcontroller is the main processor for the board.
9. J7 – Analog Signal Connector
This connector provides access to analog/digital I/O pins on the microcontroller.
10. JP6/JP7 – A4/A5 Signal Select Jumpers
These jumpers are used to switch pins 9 and 11 on connector J7 between analog inputs
A4 and A5 or the I
C signals SDA and SCL.
11. J8 – SPI Signal Connector
This connector provides alternative access to the SPI signals. This is used by some
shields for access to the SPI bus.
12. JP5/JP7 – SPI Master/Slave Select Jumpers
These jumpers are used to switch the SPI signals for use of the Uno32 board as an SPI
master device or as an SPI slave device. Both jumpers should be switched together. Place
the shorting blocks in the MASTER position for master operation and in the SLAVE
position for slave operation. Normally, these jumpers are in the MASTER position.