Vgs - speaker gain, Syntax, Defined values – Comtrol AT Commands User Manual

Page 204: Reporting current or selected values, Reporting supported range of parameter values, Result codes

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+VGR - Voice Gain Receive (Record Gain).......................5-9
+VGS - Speaker Gain ......................................................5-26
+VGT - Voice Gain Transmit (Playback Volume) ............5-10
+VIP - Voice Initialize All Parameters ................................5-5
+VIT - Voice Inactivity Timer (DTE/Modem) ....................5-11
+VLS - Analog Source/Destination Selection ..................5-11
+VNH - Automatic Hang-up Control...................................5-4
+VPR - Select DTE/Modem Interface Rate .....................5-22
+VRA - Ringback Goes Away Timer................................5-15
+VRID - Caller ID (CID)......................................................3-4
+VRN - Ringback Never Appeared Timer........................5-16
+VRX - Start Modem Receive (Record).............................5-5
+VSD - Silence Detection (Quiet and Silence) ................5-17
+VSM - Compression Method Selection..........................5-18
+VSP - Speakerphone ON/OFF.......................................5-23
+VTD - Beep Tone Duration Timer ..................................5-19
+VTR - Start Voice Transmission and Reception (Voice


+VTS - Send Voice Tone(s) ...............................................5-7
+VTX - Start Modem Transmit (Playback) .........................5-9


A - Answer .......................................................................3-40


B - CCITT or Bell..............................................................3-62
\B - Transmit Break to Remote ........................................3-70


D - Dial .............................................................................3-37


E - Command Echo..........................................................3-17


H - Disconnect (Hang-Up)................................................3-41


I - Identification...................................................................3-6


\K - Break Control ............................................................3-71
-K - MNP Extended Services ...........................................3-72


L - Speaker Volume .........................................................3-43


M - Speaker Control.........................................................3-43


\N - Operating Mode ..........................................................3-5


O - Return to On-Line Data Mode....................................3-42


P - Set Pulse Dial Default ................................................3-40
–PPD= - Extension Pickup Notification............................3-49


Q - Quiet Results Codes Control .....................................3-17

-QCPC - Force Full Startup Procedure Next Connection.... 3-


-QCPS - Enable Quick Connect Profile Save................ 3-103


S - Read/Write S-Parameter.......................................... 3-104
S0 - Number of Rings to Auto-Answer .......................... 3-106
S1 - Ring Counter.......................................................... 3-106
S10 - Lost Carrier To Hang Up Delay ........................... 3-108
S11 - DTMF Tone Duration ........................................... 3-108
S12 - Escape Prompt Delay (EPD) ............................... 3-109
S14 - General Bit Mapped Options Status .................... 3-109
S16 - Test Mode Bit Mapped Options Status ................ 3-109
S17 - Point Of Sale Options Selection .......................... 3-110
S19 - Reserved.............................................................. 3-111
S2 - Escape Character .................................................. 3-106
S20 - Reserved.............................................................. 3-111
S21 - V.24/General Bit Mapped Options Status............ 3-112
S210 – V.34 Symbol Rates ........................................... 3-121
S22 - Speaker/Results Bit Mapped Options Status....... 3-112
S23 - General Bit Mapped Options Status .................... 3-113
S24 - Sleep Inactivity Timer........................................... 3-113
S25 - Delay To DTR Off ................................................ 3-113
S26 - RTS to CTS Delay ............................................... 3-113
S27 - Bit Mapped Options Status .................................. 3-114
S28 - Bit Mapped Options Status .................................. 3-114
S29 - Flash Dial Modifier Time ...................................... 3-115
S3 - Carriage Return Character..................................... 3-106
S30 - Disconnect Inactivity Timer .................................. 3-115
S31 - Bit Mapped Options Status .................................. 3-115
S36 - LAPM Failure Control .......................................... 3-116
S38 - Delay Before Forced Hang Up............................. 3-116
S39 - Flow Control Bit Mapped Options Status............. 3-117
S4 - Line Feed Character .............................................. 3-106
S40 - General Bit Mapped Options Status .................... 3-117
S41 - General Bit Mapped Options Status .................... 3-118
S46 - Data Compression Control .................................. 3-118
S48 - V.42 Negotiation Control...................................... 3-118
S5 - Backspace Character............................................. 3-107
S6 - Wait Time before Blind Dialing or for Dial Tone..... 3-107
S7 - Wait Time for Carrier, Silence, or Dial Tone .......... 3-107
S8 - Pause Time For Dial Delay.................................... 3-108
S86 - Call Failure Reason Code.................................... 3-119
S9 - Carrier Detect Response Time .............................. 3-108
S91 - PSTN Transmit Attenuation Level ....................... 3-120
S92 - Fax Transmit Attenuation Level ........................... 3-120
S95 - Extended Result Codes Control .......................... 3-120
–STE= - Set Telephony Extension .................................. 3-50


T - Set Tone Dial Default ................................................. 3-40
-TRV – Tip & Ring Voltage .............................................. 3-55
-TTE - Threshold Adjustments for Telephony Extension. 3-56


V - Result Code Form...................................................... 3-18
\V - Single Line Connect Message Enable...................... 3-47


W - Connect Message Control ........................................ 3-18


X - Extended Result Codes ............................................. 3-19


Z - Soft Reset and Restore Profile .................................... 3-2