S17 - point of sale options selection – Comtrol AT Commands User Manual
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AT Commands for CX81801/CX06833/CX81300/CX06827 Modems Reference Manual
S17 - Point Of Sale Options Selection
S17 selects the different options available for Point of Sale applications.
Default: 0 (00000000b)
Bit 0
V.80 sub-mode selection (applicable only if V.80 Synchronous Access
Mode is enabled; see +ES command)
0 =
Enable transparent sub-mode. (Default)
1 =
Enable framed sub-mode.
When V.80 is enabled in V.22 fast connect ($F2) or
V.29FastPOS ($F4), the modem automatically connects in
framed sub-mode even if bit1 = 0.
Bit 1
V.22bis/V.22/Bell 212 early data mode selection
0 =
Enable normal V.22bis/V.22/Bell212 handshake.
1 =
Enable early data mode (CTS turned ON sooner) for
V.22bis/V.22/Bell 212.
Bit 2
Logical/physical hang-up selection (applicable only if V.80 Synchronous
Access Mode is enabled; see +ES command)
0 =
Enable logical hang-up if remote had already dropped its
carrier when ATH command is issued to the modem.
Otherwise, the modem waits for S38 delay before it
physically disconnects. (Default)
1 =
Enable physical hang-up if remote side had already
dropped its carrier when ATH command is issued to the
modem. Otherwise, the modem does not wait for S38
delay but hangs up immediately.
Bit 3
Enable/Disable HDLC in V.22 fast connect (applicable only in V.22 fast
connect mode ($F2 is selected), and &Q0, &Q5, or &Q6 is selected)
0 =
Enable asynchronous mode. (Default)
1 =
Enable HDLC (synchronous mode).
If V.80 Synchronous Access Mode is enabled, the modem will
automatically connect in V22 fast connect synchronous mode
even if bit 3 = 0.
Bit 3
V.22 fast connect synchronous mode handshake selection (applicable
only for CX81300 SmartACF and CX06827 SCXXD in hardware
synchronous mode, i.e., &Q1, &Q2, or &Q3 is selected)
0 =
Select standard handshake (scrambled ones are sent
during handshake). (Default)
1 =
Select SDLC handshake (scrambled flags are sent during
If V.80 Synchronous Access Mode is enabled, the modem will
automatically connect in V22 fast connect synchronous mode
even if bit 3 = 0.
Bit 4
V.29 FastPOS mode selection
0 =
Enable V.29 FastPOS. (Default)
1 =
Enable V.29 FastPOS alternate sequence.