Vgm - microphone gain, Syntax, Defined values – Comtrol AT Commands User Manual
Page 203: Reporting current or selected values, Reporting supported range of parameter values, Result codes, Index

#UD – Last Call Status Report.........................................3-84
$F – Fast Connect Control...............................................3-95
%7 - Plug and Play Serial Number ..................................3-12
%8 - Plug and Play Vendor ID and Product Number .......3-13
%C - Enable/Disable Data Compression .........................3-77
%E - Enable/Disable Line Quality Monitor .......................3-61
%L - Report Line Signal Level .........................................3-48
%Q - Report Line Signal Quality ......................................3-48
%TT - PTT Test Command..............................................3-92
&C - RLSD (DCD) Option ................................................3-24
&D - DTR Option..............................................................3-24
&F - Restore Factory Configuration .................................3-10
&G - Select Guard Tone ..................................................3-44
&K - Flow Control.............................................................3-25
&L - Leased Line Operation .............................................3-93
&M - Asynchronous/Synchronous Mode Selection..........3-26
&P - Select Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio ........................3-44
&Q - Sync/Async Mode....................................................3-27
&R - RTS/CTS Option......................................................3-28
&S - DSR Override...........................................................3-28
&T - Local Analog Loopback Test....................................3-10
&V - Display Current Configuration..................................3-45
&V1 - Display Last Connection Statistics.........................3-46
&W - Store Current Configuration ....................................3-11
&X - Select Synchronous Clock Source...........................3-29
&Y - Designate a Default Reset Profile............................3-11
&Zn=x - Store Telephone Number...................................3-12
)M - Enable Cellular Power Level Adjustment .................3-93
**- Load Flash Memory ....................................................3-14
*B - Display Blacklisted Numbers ....................................3-48
*D - Display Delayed Numbers ........................................3-49
:E - Compromise Equalizer Enable Command ................3-94
@M - Initial Cellular Power Level Setting.........................3-94
+A8E - V.8 and V.8bis Operation Controls ......................3-78
+A8I: - CI Signal Indication ..............................................3-79
+DR - Data Compression Reporting................................ 3-75
+DS - Data Compression ................................................ 3-73
+DS44 - V.44 Compression Select.................................. 3-74
+EB - Break Handling in Error Control Operation............ 3-65
+EFCS - 32-bit Frame Check Sequence......................... 3-66
+ER - Error Control Reporting ......................................... 3-67
+ES - Error Control and Sync Mode Selection ................ 3-63
+ESA - Configure Synchronous Access Submode ......... 3-80
+ESR - Selective Repeat................................................. 3-65
+ETBM - Call Termination Buffer Management .............. 3-69
+FAA - Auto Answer Enable.............................................. 4-6
+FAE - Auto Answer Enable.............................................. 4-7
+FAR - Adaptive Reception Control ................................ 4-13
+FCL - Carrier Loss Timeout........................................... 4-14
+FCLASS- Select Active Service Class ............................ 3-2
+FCLASS=1 - Select Facsimile Class 1 Mode.................. 4-6
+FCLASS=1.0 - Select Facsimile Class 1.0 Mode............ 4-6
+FCLASS=8 - Select Voice Mode ..................................... 5-4
+FDD - Double Escape Character Replacement ............ 4-15
+FIT - DTE Inactivity Timeout.......................................... 4-16
+FLO - Flow Control ........................................................ 4-19
+FMI? - Request Manufacturer Identification .................. 4-18
+FMM? - Request Model Identification............................ 4-18
+FMR? - Request Revision Identification ........................ 4-18
+FPR - Fixed DTE Rate .................................................. 4-17
+FRH - Receive Data with HDLC Framing...................... 4-12
+FRM - Receive Data...................................................... 4-10
+FRS - Receive Silence .................................................... 4-8
+FTH - Transmit Data with HDLC Framing ..................... 4-11
+FTM - Transmit Facsimile................................................ 4-9
+FTS - Transmit Silence.................................................... 4-7
+GCAP - Request Complete Capabilities List ................... 3-8
+GCI - Country of Installation ............................................ 3-9
+GMI - Request Conexant Identification ........................... 3-7
+GMI - Request Manufacturer Identification...................... 3-7
+GMM - Request Model Identification ............................... 3-8
+GMR - Request Revision Identification ........................... 3-8
+H - Enable/Disable RPI and DTE Speed....................... 3-82
+IBC – In Band Commands............................................. 3-34
+IFC - DTE-Modem Local Flow Control .......................... 3-31
+ILRR - DTE-Modem Local Rate Reporting.................... 3-32
+IPR - Fixed DTE Rate.................................................... 3-30
+ITF - Transmit Flow Control Thresholds........................ 3-83
+MR - Modulation Reporting Control............................... 3-59
+MS - Modulation Selection ............................................ 3-57
+PCW - Call Waiting Enable ........................................... 3-96
+PIG - PCM Upstream Ignore ....................................... 3-100
+PMH - Modem-on-Hold Enable ..................................... 3-97
+PMHF - V.92 Modem-on-Hold Hook Flash.................. 3-100
+PMHR - Initiate Modem-on-Hold ................................... 3-99
+PMHT – Modem-on-Hold Timer .................................... 3-98
+PQC - V.92 Phase 1 and Phase 2 Control .................. 3-101
+PSS - Use Short Sequence......................................... 3-102
+VCID - Caller ID (CID) ..................................................... 3-3
+VDR - Distinctive Ring................................................... 5-20
+VDT - Control Tone Cadence Reporting ....................... 5-21
+VDX - Speakerphone Duplex Mode .............................. 5-24
+VGM - Microphone Gain................................................ 5-25