Comtrol RM III V.90 User Manual
Hardware installation

Hardware Installation
Hardware Installation
Use this document to install the RocketModem III hardware and locate the
software and documentation that you may need to install the device driver. The
blue hyperlinks will access the file you select based on the media type.
Note: If you are reading this file from the CD, the files are retrieved from the CD.
If you are reading this file from the web/ftp site, the latest files from the ftp
site are retrieved.
Product Overview
RocketModem III family is a Universal PCI V.90 Data/Fax/Voice multi-modem
board, which is Hayes
compatible and supports installation in 3.3V and 5V bus
system. The RocketModem III is available with four or eight RJ11 modem ports
that can operate at speeds up to 56 Kbps and uses on-board user upgradeable
RocketModem III features include:
Ring Indicator (RI) status is included on all modem ports
Individual software controlled modem reset capability
Upgradeable firmware that will support V.92 standard when it is available.
Firmware Upgrade utilities will also be available for Linux and Microsoft
operating systems.
The RocketModem III
is also available as a
4-port version.