S5 - backspace character, S7 - wait time for carrier, silence, or dial tone – Comtrol AT Commands User Manual

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AT Commands for CX81801/CX06833/CX81300/CX06827 Modems Reference Manual




S5 - Backspace Character

S5 sets the character recognized as a backspace. Pertains to asynchronous operation
only. The modem will not recognize the Backspace character if it is set to a value that is
greater than 32 ASCII. This character can be used to edit a command line. When the echo
command is enabled, the modem echoes back to the local DTE the Backspace character,
an ASCII space character and a second Backspace character; this means a total of three
characters are transmitted each time the modem processes the Backspace character.

Range: 0-32, ASCII decimal

Default: 8 (Backspace)

S6 - Wait Time before Blind Dialing or for Dial Tone

S6 operation is country dependent.

1. Sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will wait before starting to dial

after going off-hook when blind dialing. This operation, however, may be affected
by some ATX options according to country restrictions. The “Wait for Dial Tone”
call progress feature (W dial modifier in the dial string) will override the value in
register S6. (US models.)

2. Sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will wait for dial tone when

encountering a “W” dial modifier before returning NO DIAL TONE result code. (W

The modem always pauses for a minimum of 2 seconds, even if the value of S6 is less
than 2 seconds.

Range: 2-255


Default: 2

S7 - Wait Time for Carrier, Silence, or Dial Tone

S7 operation is country dependent.

1. Sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will wait for carrier before

hanging up. The timer is started when the modem finishes dialing (originate), or 2
seconds after going off-hook (answer). In originate mode, the timer is reset upon
detection of answer tone if allowed by country restrictions.

2. Sets the length of time, in seconds, that modem will wait for silence when

encountering the @ dial modifier before continuing with the next dial string

3. Sets the length of time, in seconds, that the modem will wait for dial tone when

encountering a “W” dial modifier before continuing with the next dial string
parameter. (US models.)

Range: 1-255


Default: 50