S12 - escape prompt delay (epd), S14 - general bit mapped options status, S16 - test mode bit mapped options status – Comtrol AT Commands User Manual

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AT Commands for CX81801/CX06833/CX81300/CX06827 Modems Reference Manual




S12 - Escape Prompt Delay (EPD)

S12 defines the maximum period, in fiftieths of a second, allowed between receipt of the
last character of the three escape character sequence from the DTE and sending of the
OK result code to the DTE. If any characters are detected during this time, the OK will
not be sent. Sending of the OK result code does not affect entry into command mode.
(See 3.1.3.)

Range: 0-255 1/50 of a second

Default: 50 (1 second)

S14 - General Bit Mapped Options Status

S14 indicates the status of command options.

Default: 138 (8Ah) (10001010b)

Bit 0

This bit is ignored.

Bit 1

Command echo (En)

0 =

Disabled (E0)

1 =

Enabled (E1) (Default.)

Bit 2

Quiet mode (Qn)

0 =

Send result codes (Q0) (Default.)

1 =

Do not send result codes (Q1)

Bit 3

Result codes (Vn)

0 =

Numeric (V0)

1 =

Verbose (V1) (Default.)

Bit 4


Bit 5

Tone (T)/Pulse (P)

0 =

Tone (T) (Default.)

1 =

Pulse (P)

Bit 6


Bit 7


0 =


1 =

Originate (Default.)

S16 - Test Mode Bit Mapped Options Status

S16 indicates the test in progress status.

Default: 0

Bit 0

Local analog loopback

0 =

Disabled (Default.)

1 =

Enabled (&T1)

Bits 1-7 Not used