At the system console, type: load vs1man, Press the letter [a, c, h, s, d, f, x] of the c, When you are done using vs1man, press x to exit – Comtrol VS1100 Novell NetWare User Manual

Page 34

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Novell NetWare


VS1MAN.NLM is a utility that enables you to configure, examine, and
test the InterChangeVS 1000 Virtual Server. It also enables you to
replace (“hot-swap”) an operating VS1000 unit with another, without
either downing the server or changing port configuration.

To install the utility, copy the file vs1man.nlm into the SYSTEM
directory on the SYS volume.

Operating VS1MAN

To use vs1man:


At the system console, type: load vs1man

The command line is displayed:

st’A’te ‘C’onfig ‘H’otSwap ‘S’tats aio’D’test ‘F’lowCtl e’X’it):


Press the letter [A, C, H, S, D, F, X] of the command you want to


When you are done using vs1man, press X to exit. Then press any
key to close the screen and return to the console prompt.

Replacing Units in Service (“Hot-Swapping”)

In the event that a VS1000 needs to be removed from service, it is
possible to replace it with another VS1000 without taking down the
server. To do so, following the instructions under “Hotswap” in the
following table.

Note: Do not use this procedure to add or remove VS1100 expansion

units. The VS1000 being swapped in must have the same
number of ports as the unit it is replacing.

Provided the number of ports remains the same, VS1100 expansion
units may be “hot-swapped” without further configuration changes or
use of the VS1MAN utility. However, be sure to power down the VS1000
base unit before disconnecting or reconnecting VS1100 expansion

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