Verify that you are using the correct types of, Verify that the ethernet hub and any other netw, Verify that the vs1000 is powered up and has pa – Comtrol VS1100 Novell NetWare User Manual
Page 33: If using the 10base-t ethernet connection, veri, Verify that the network address (mac) used in t, Use vs1man.nlm to examine and test the intercha, Use vs1trace.nlm to trace and log the flow of d, If vs1man and vs1trace indicate no problems, tr, If still unable to resolve the problem, see the, Troubleshooting

Novell NetWare
Problem Resolution Procedures
If you are having trouble with a VS1000, try the following:
Verify that you are using the correct types of cables in the correct
places and that all cables are connected securely.
Verify that the Ethernet hub and any other network devices
between the server and VS1000 are powered up and operating.
Verify that the VS1000 is powered up and has passed the power-on
diagnostics. (See Installing the Hardware.)
If using the 10Base-T Ethernet connection, verify that the port
polarity is correct. (See Installing the Hardware.)
Verify that the network address (MAC) used in the load aiovs1
command matches the network address on the VS1000 unit. (See
Creating an AIOVS1 Load Line.)
Use VS1MAN.NLM to examine and test the InterChangeVS 1000
Virtual Server. This utility also enables you to replace (“hot-swap”)
a configured VS1000 unit with another unit without either
downing the server or changing port configuration.
Use VS1TRACE.NLM to trace and log the flow of data through the
VS-Link software and VS1000 hardware.
If VS1MAN and VS1TRACE indicate no problems, try
AIOTERM. This NLM, which can be downloaded from Novell, is
used with a loopback plug to verify that the VS-Link software and
VS1000 hardware are functioning properly. If aioterm can access
ports on the VS1000, then the problem lies in the application.
If still unable to resolve the problem, see the Introduction for
information on contacting Comtrol technical support. When you
contact Comtrol, please have the following information available:
NetWare Connect or MPR revision number
SPACK (Support Pack) revision number
aiovs1.nlm version number
To determine the aiovs1.nlm version number, enter this command
on the server console: modules aiovs1.nlm. The version number is
If you are using NetWare 4.11, enter this command at the server
console: load techwalk. This generates a Configuration Report
(techwalk.out) that is stored in the /etc directory, and which
contains much useful and valuable information.