Cd player, Tuner, X>fr – Kenwood SPECTRUM 850 AV User Manual

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the Dolby Pro. Logic mode). , . . _ ‘

• Check for interference from automobiles. If so, install

The STANDBY light blinks, but there is no


the outd.o.or antenna away from roads,..

None of the functions operate, or the display

• Check that the speaker cables aren’t short-drxuited“ -

shows wrong information

that is, the (+) and (-) wires, .aren’t touching each,

• Reset.your unit’s microcomputer by unplugging the’ ...

other. If they are, separate, the wires. .

power cord.fromtheeJeçtrica!.outlet and plugging it

A hum when you select the PHONO input

• Check that the audio cables are plugged .securely into

back in while, holding down, the MEMORY button. ..

the PHONO Jacks.. " :r ' “' , w


•. Check that the turntable is.grounded on .the rear - .

CD player

panel. The ground wire should be connected to the .

screw ! abé led .GND/ . ’ . '

Power light doesn’t come on

None of the functions operate, or the display

• Check that the power cord is properly plugged into . ^

the electrical outlet .on the back of the power ampli-'

shows wrong information


• Reset your unit’s microcomputer by unplugging the

power .cord from the electricaLoutlet and plugging it

Player doesn’t play a loaded CD

back in while holding down the POWER .button. ......

• Check that the CD is loaded right-side up.

• Checkthat the CD.isn’t cracked ordirty. ■;


• There may' be condensation on the fens. Leave the .

player on forat least


hour before usinait ' .

You can’t receive radio stations

No sound

• Check that the station .is tuned in properly. . .

• Check that the CD is loaded properly.

• Checkthat the TUNER input is selected. ....

• Checkthat the CD isn’t cracked or dirty., , .

• Checkthat the antenna is connected, properly.

• Checkthat the.PLAY mode is,active (the

PLAY/PAUSE light should be ON).

You can’t receive a preset station by pressing

the corresponding number buttons

• Check that.the audio .cables are connected pnoperly.

• Check that the TUNER input is selected . . ...

• Check that .the pmset station'is a,receivable. _____ ,

Skipping (mis-tracking)

• Check that the CD,isn’t cracked or dirty, .


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. .

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: "'

• Make sure that the player.isn't subjected to strong

• Check that the preset.memory.hasnlt been cleared., ,

vibrations.- . . . . .

because the power cord was. unplugged a long time. If

so, preset the station again.

■ r '

. .


CD automatically plays when power is

Interference with reception

turned on

Remove all CDs before"turning yoLir unit DFR.The .

• Check for.interfererice from eléctrica.! appliances. If so,.

player is designed to automatically begin playing when

tum them OFF. .. . ... . . . .

the power is turned.ON.... . ..

• Ch.eck for interfere.nce.Trd.fh the;TV set If soffurn Ft, ,




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na way



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