Hangar 9 Piper J-3 Cub 40 ARF User Manual
Page 17

Step 7
Plug in the rudder servo to the radio system. Center the
trims on the transmitter to center the rudder servo. Hold
the rudder in neutral. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the
pushrod wire where it crosses the servo arm.
Step 8
Remove the pushrod wire from the fuselage and remove
the clevis. Bend the pushrod wire at the mark. Slide
the pushrod back into the fuselage from the radio
compartment, and then put the clevis back onto the
wire. Use a pushrod wire keeper to secure the pushrod
wire to the servo arm.
Step 9
Center the throttle stick and trim with both the receiver
and transmitter on. Install the throttle servo arm in the
neutral position.
Step 10
Move the throttle stick and trim lever down to the throttle
closed position. Manually close the carburetor and mark
the throttle pushrod where it crosses the servo arm.
Section 4: Servo Installation (Fuselage)