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Digital Video Recorder User Manual
Step3: the setup steps of motion trigger are familiar with alarm handling; user can refer to Chapter 4.5.1 Sensor Æalarm
handling for more details.
Step4: click Area button, a dialog box will pop-up as Fig 4-24:
Fig 4-24 motion-area
Step5: in the Area interface, user can drag slide bar to set the sensitivity value (1-8), the default value is 4. The higher the
value is the higher sensitivity you get. Due to the sensitivity is influenced by color and time (day or night), user can adjust
its value according to the practical conditions; click
icon, set the whole area as detection area; click
icon, the
set detection area will be cleared; click
icon, user can test whether the sensitivity value and motion area are suitable
accordingly(refer to following picture); Click
icon, to save the setting; click
icon, exit current interface.