COP-USA DVR2308SE-SL User Manual
Page 38

DVR User Manual
Server port: Communication port.
Step 3: Connect internet. If you have a DHCP server running and would like your DVR to automatically obtain an IP address
and other network settings from that server, check the checkbox beside "Obtain an IP address automatically". Then the device
will distribute IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP and DNS server. If you want to configure your own settings, please
input the IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway DNS server manually. You can also check the PPOE checkbox to enable this
feature and then enter username and password. Once the setup is completed, your DVR will automatically dial up into your
Step 4: No matter what kinds of way to connect internet, you should test the effectiveness of the network by clicking
button after you setup the network.
Step 5: If the network is well connected, please click
“Apply” button to save settings.
4.6.2 Email
Step 1: Enter into MenuSetupNetworkEmail tab. Refer to Fig 4-31:
SMTP Server/Port: The name and port number of SMTP server. Check the
SSL checkbox if the server requires a secure connection (SSL); user can setup
mail servers (such as Gmail) as required.
Send address/password:
Sender‟s email address/password
Receive address:
Receiver‟s email address. Here user can add at least three
mail addresses. Click TEST button to test the validity of the mailbox.
Attaching image: After selecting it, the system will attach images when
sending the emails.
Fig 4-31 Network Configuration-Email
4.6.3 Server