COP-USA DVR2716XD-L User Manual
Page 109

8/16-CH DVR Quick Start Guide
The default HTTP port is 80. The default server port is 6036. You can check
„Obtain an IP address automatically‟ to acquire network information or input IP
address, subnet mask, gateway, preferred/alternate DNS server manually. This
function is used to monitor DVR through internet (See Section 10 for details).
Click „Next‟ button. This will take you to record setup window.
Select resolution, fps, encode, quality and max bitrate. The higher the value is,
the clearer the recorded picture is. Of course, more space of HDD will be taken
Click „Next‟ button. This will take you to the HDD management window.
You can check your HDD information through this tab. If your HDD was
recently installed, select the HDD from the list to format it.
Click „Next‟ button. This will let you to see your DVR status. And then
Click „Finish‟ button to end this wizard.
You can also refer to the complete setup steps from the relevant sections of
DVR User Manual. If you don‟t want to setup Wizard, please click Exit button to