COP-USA DVR2704XE-L User Manual
Page 52

DVR User Manual
or domain name.
Step 4: IE will download ActiveX automatically. Then a window pops up and asks for user name and password. Input name and password
correctly, and enter to view.
Note: If you cannot download and install ActiveX, please refer to FAQ Q8.
Fig 7-1 View with IE Browser
2. Connect the DVR to internet through PPPoE directly.
Step 1: Enter into the DVR‟s Main MenuSetupNetwork interface to enable PPPoE and then input user name and password received
from your ISP. Next, click „Apply‟. The DVR will connect to the server and would give a confirmation message.
Step 2: When accessing the remote interface of DVR, user can input WAN IP to access directly (user can enter into Main
menuInformationNetwork interface to check IP address).